Nature vs Nuture debates is used to know how the human body develops. Nature has to do with your ancestors and things like your eye color while nurture has to do with the envirnonment such as your personality, your ideas, etc. The first person to use the term was Sir Francis Galton who was English born in 1822. He had a very ructiferous life published many books and studied about many different topics; hedied in 1911. Some of the topics that are part of the debate of nature vs nurture are athletic ability, intelligence, criminal behavior, personality, homosexuality, etc. for the overall belief of the debate, I believe that Nurture is more powerful because as time passes by people change, we have now become more intelligent than the people who lived millions of years before because we live in a better environment as it changes, we change also and although I believe that nature is important also, nurture has more to do with the humans and how we become better through time, how do we act and not fi we look like our parents or grandparents, nurture is more powerful in my opinion.
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